11 March 2004

I suppose I ought to put something in here, just to keep up appearances.

So here it is.

Today would have been my grandfather's 108th birthday. He was born 11 March 1896, died 21 December 1971. His name was Bill Webb, and he was a good guy.

13 August 2003

Changed the template. Might as well accomplish something, no matter how negligible.

23 July 2003

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

21 July 2003

This afternoon I met the most beautiful girl in the world.

Her name is Ava Isabel Smith, and she is my granddaughter.

She came into the world at 3.29 pm, EDT, 21 July 2003, at Washington Adventist Hospital, Takoma Park, Maryland.

Sun in Cancer, Moon in Taurus, Scorpio rising.

Now I understand what the line from Psalm 23 means: My cup runneth over.

18 July 2003

Well, friends, fans, and foes, this may be the beginning of something big or the ending of something quite small indeed. Anything and everything that passes through my consciousness might end up here, or not, as grace leads me.

If you have any interest in the way things really are in this world, and any sense at all, you might check out the Fantastic Forum web site.

Remember that everybody is ignorant, just on different subjects.